Psychosoziale Vereine und Angebote
- Sozialtherapeutische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Tirol (start pro mente Tirol)
- pro mente (pro mente Tirol)
- Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie Krankenhaus Hall (Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie-Abteilungen des LKH Hall in Tirol)
- Psychosozialer Krisendienst (Psychosozialer Krisendienst des Landes Tirol)
- ÖAS Online-Ambulanz (kostenloses therapeutisches online-Angebot der ÖAS)
Psychotherapeutische Vereine und Einrichtungen
- Österreichische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Systemische Therapie und Studien (ÖAS)
- Milton Erickson Institut Dr Bartl (Milton Erickson Institut Innsbruck)
- Verein für Personenzentriertes Lernen (VPL VRP Wien)
- Tiroler Landesverband für Psychotherapie (TLP)
- PsyOnline (Plattform für Psychotherapie und die Suche von PsychotherapeutInnen)
Akademische Publikationen (Selektion)
- Loacker, B. and Weiskopf, R. (2024). Being (ab)normal – be(com)ing other: Struggles over enacting an ethos of difference in a psychosocial care centre. Journal of Business Ethics.
- Loacker, B. (2023). Does the ethos of law erode? Lawyers’ professional practices, self‑understanding and ethics at work? Journal of Business Ethics, 187.
- Butler, N. and Loacker, B. (eds.) (2022). Capitalist unrealism: Countering the crisis of critique and imagination. ephemera: theory & politics in organization, 22(2).
- Loacker, B. (2021). Challenging thought at ephemera: Attempting to think and organise differently. ephemera: theory & politics in organization, 21(4).
- Loacker, B. (2021). Entrepreneurship and the struggle over order and coherence: A thematic reading of Robert Musil’s The Man without Qualities. Culture and Organization, 27(5).
- Heinrichs, R., Loacker, B. and Weiskopf, R. (eds.) (2019). Speaking truth to power? The ethico-politics of whistleblowing in mass-mediated societies. ephemera: theory & politics in organization, 19(4).
- Jeanes, E., Loacker, B. and Sliwa, M. (2019). Complexities, challenges and implications of collaborative work within a regime of performance measurement: The case of management and organisation studies. Studies in Higher Education, 44(9).
- Loacker, B. and Sliwa, M. (2018). Beyond bureaucracy and entrepreneurialism: Examining the multiple discursive codes informing the work, careers and subjectivities of management graduates. Culture and Organization, 24(5).
- Jeanes, E., Loacker, B. and Sliwa, M. (2018). Revisiting struggles over gender inequalities: An account of three academics. M@n@gement, 21(3).
- Loacker, B. and Sliwa, M. (2016). ‘Moving to stay in the same place?’ Academics and theatrical artists as exemplars of the ‘mobile middle’. Organization, 23(5).
- Loacker, B. and Sullivan, R. (2016). The liminality of branding: Interweaving discourses ‘making up’ a cultural intermediary occupation. Marketing Theory, 16(3).
- Chertkovskaya, E. and Loacker, B. (eds.) (2016). Consumption of work and the work of consumption. ephemera: theory & politics in organization, 16(3).
- Jeanes, E., Loacker, B., Sliwa, M. and Weiskopf, R. (eds.) (2015). Mobilities in contemporary worlds of work and organising. ephemera: theory & politics in organization, 15(4).
- Sandberg, J., Loacker, B. and Alvesson, M. (2015). Conceptions of process in organization and management: The case of organizational identity. In Garud, R., Simpson, B., Langley, A. and Tsoukas, H. (eds.): The emergence of novelty in organizations. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Loacker, B. and Peters, L. (2015). ‘Come on, get happy!’: Exploring absurdity and sites of alternate ordering in Twin Peaks. ephemera: theory & politics in organization, 15(3).
- Jeanes, E., Loacker, B. and Sliwa, M. (2014). Researcher collaboration: Learning from experience. In Huzzard T. and Jeanes, E. (eds.): Critical management research: Reflections from the field. London: Sage.
- Loacker, B. (2013). Modulated power structures in the arts and their subjectivity-constituting effects: An exploration of the ethical self-relations of performative artists. Business and Professional Ethics Journal, 32(2).
- Loacker, B. (2013). Becoming culturpreneur: How the neoliberal ‘regime of truth’ affects and redefines artistic subject positions. Culture and Organization, 19(2).
- Loacker, B. (2011). ‘Be Creative!‘ – Kulturorganisationen und Künstler als Vorreiter deregulierter Arbeits- und Lebenswelten?. In Fonds Darstellende Künste (ed.): Report Darstellende Künste. Wirtschaftliche, soziale und arbeitsrechtliche Lage der Theater- und Tanzschaffenden in Deutschland. Essen: Klartext Verlag.
- Hoedemaekers, C., Loacker, B. and Pedersen, M. (eds.) (2012). The commons and their im/possibilities. ephemera: theory & politics in organization, 12(4).
- Loacker, B. (2010). ‘Kreativ prekär‘: Künstlerische Arbeit und Subjektivität im Postfordismus. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag.
- Loacker, B. and Muhr, S.L. (2009). ‘How can I become a responsible subject?’ Towards a practice-based ethics of responsiveness. Journal of Business Ethics, 90(2).
- Loacker, B., Weiskopf, R. and Auer, M. (2006). Spannungsfelder der Personalpolitik an Universitäten – das Beispiel der Österreichischen Universitätsreform. Zeitschrift für Hochschulmanagement, 3(1).
- Weiskopf, R. and Loacker, B. (2006). ‘A snake’s coils are even more intricate than a mole’s burrow’: Individualization and subjectivation in post-disciplinary regimes of work. Management Revue, 17(4).